Hope for African Child - HfAC - Maasai Kenya is a global No-profit organization founded in 2024 based in Maasai land community in Ngong Hills Kadjado West Kenya. HfAC Maasai Kenya promote the living standard of the community, reaching the needy communities, Education, Health and Facilities, environment, Conservation of the culture are our priority.
Andrea Graziani meets Francis Leteipan Pariken for the first time in Kenya during a volunteer mission in Olasiti 's Village, immediately afterwards an extraordinary friendship and union was born which led us to the foundation of th NGO HfAC maasai Kenya, our journey is our slogan : "UNITY IS STRENGTH"
1. Improve the standard of Education among the communities, by building or improving schools that already existing, buying school materials and supporting the needy child to improve in education 2. Promote Health facilities in both rural and urban places putting effort to by helping nurses and pacients for better services. 3. Improve our environment, this include the planting of tree, round our schools, Hospitals, villages, police stations or around offices, as are wind breakers, provide fresh air, and help to improve dry places to look better and admirable. 4. Conservation of Culture- most of the African culture is interesting and ones to be admired , we help our African people to love and maintain their culture as it is something beautiful in themselves, part of this culture is story telling, respect , mode of dresses, and bead work 5. Church mission The church plays a very important role as it brings people together, promotes unity among the members, makes people to be like one family and part of the community members, help in counseling especially young generation and to encourage and give hope to those who go through hard times,to endure the situation and look forward to move on in life and much more.